United Neighborhood Houses

Argosy is proud to support United Neighborhood Houses (UNH), a policy and social change organization representing neighborhood settlement houses that reach 770,000 New Yorkers from all walks of life.
STEM Teachers NYC

Argosy is proud to support STEMteachersNYC, a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting teachers across the NYC region. Their mission is to cultivate excellence in STEM teaching and to promote deep understanding and success for students through innovative, teacher-led professional development.
SAMPE Foundation

Argosy is proud to support the SAMPE Foundation, which administers a variety of programs that enhance access to STEM Education for K-12 students. With a particular emphasis on educators, SAMPE Foundation programs strive to reach the largest audience possible.
Trella – Future Cities the Green Way
ESG Initiative Argosy Supports ‘Future Cities the Green Way’ by Sponsoring the Planting of 100 Trees We have been supporting the Trella Trees project, which aims to beautify cities, sponsor afforestation projects, reduce carbon, and support environmental education for the next generation. The 100 trees have already removed 0.01 tons of carbon from the atmosphere and when […]
Illini Solar Car
ESG Initiative Argosy Provides Material Support to the Illini Solar Car Project Argosy is proud to support the team at Illini Solar Car as they continue to design, build, and race some of America’s best solar cars. Their 3rd car ‘Calypso’ was made possible with the donation of Argosy’s Aluminum Honeycomb Core. Calypso is the […]